God has given you unique gifts. Where can you use them at South CLT Pres?
Check out the ministry teams below and find the one that fits your gifts. We value community at South CLT Pres and getting involved on a team is one way to find that!
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:12)
Help facilitate the worship service through slides and camera operation. Your work supports the gospel being spread to people here and online. No experience required.
Do you have a heart for others? Do you want to walk alongside people during hard times toward restoration? Joining the care team allows you to show Jesus in both word and deed.
People are the heart of any event. A well-run event creates space for them to enjoy, participate and connect with one another. Do you have skills to facilitate details and help behind the scenes?
Have a knack for numbers? For helping the church facilitate their budgetary goals? Join the finance team to help and see how God is growing his church.
Reach the next generation with an impact at Kids5:29. Help to grow their faith through Bible stories, songs, and play together.
Enable communion to take place by preparing the bread and wine on Sunday morning. Allow worship-goers to take part in the Lord's Supper with your behind-the-scenes efforts.
Greet newcomers as they come to worship. Answer any questions. Smile to everyone that walks through the door. Be an ambassador for Christ as you welcome people to church.
Be part of the team that allows women to grow in the Lord through Bible study, retreats, outreach events, and lunch together.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord! Assist in making a worshipful service and atmosphere with your talents as a musician in the worship team.
Do you prefer to work behind the scenes? Setup team is vital to our minsitry! Help make our space ready for worship, learning, and fellowship.
Love working with students? Become a youth leader and spend time discipling students and leading Bible lessons!